TikTok has recently risen to become one of the most used video-sharing platforms, where users create videos by mostly inserting a popular background sound. Sometimes these background sounds, which are almost always songs, get stuck in our heads and make us curious to recognize the song.

tiktok song finder- find songs used in tiktok videos

Although TikTok usually gives the name of the original song in a video, there are cases where important details are left out that could help you find songs used in certain TikTok videos, probably because the sound is less popular or has a different name if it was used in someone else’s TikTok video.

Also, there are cases when a song is recorded along with the video, so TikTok doesn’t provide any details about the song, and it’s up to you to find out the title or the singer yourself.

In any of these cases, what can you do if you want to find out the songs used in the TikTok app? Thanks to technological advancements, there are many ways to find the songs used in TikTok videos when you browse TikTok on Android, iPhone, or even on your PC. In this article, we’ll introduce you to each of these methods in detail so that you can use them easily.

Tips to Find Songs Used in TikTok App

When creating TikTok clips, several songs are used, both popular and less popular. However, if you hear a song that you like in a TikTok video, the best way to find it’s to use the following methods:

Method 1: Check the bottom of the TikTok clip

 find songs used in tiktok by checking the bottom of the video

TikTok users can add songs from the platform’s library to their video clips, usually new, trending tracks, to spice them up. When a song from the TikTok library is added to a video, TikTok adds the song’s title and singer to the video. If this is the case with the song you’re looking for on TikTok, you’ll find the song at the end of the video clip.

Just select the “Song” option at the end of the TikTok video clip to get to a page that lists the song used in the TikTok video. You can then search for the song on music streaming services such as Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube Music on this page so you can listen to it on your phone whenever you want.

However, this isn’t the only case, as some songs used in the TikTok video where you want to find the poster may have edited the song played. So if you click on the audio option in the TikTok video and don’t find the details of the song, you can try the following method to find the song in the TikTok app.

Method 2: Use Shazam

tiktok song finder: shazam

Shazam is a well-known app that allows users to recognize songs played by any device, which can be useful if you need to find songs used in TikTok. The app has a database of millions of songs, and when you play a TikTok video through the app, it records the song and compares it to the audio in the database. You can also search for a known part of the song that you want to find in the app. The app then shows you the details of the matching result and lets you preview it so you can determine if it’s the song you are looking for.

Although TikTok does not support background playback on Android devices, Shazam creates a menu in the notification bar that says, “Identify music while using any app.” You can then tap this menu by swiping down on the TikTok video to find out what song is playing in it. When you get a result, a popup will appear with the name and title of the song.

Related Read: Super Quick Way to Identify Songs on Android Using Shazam

However, I found out that you can also use this trick on a single screen if your phone has a split screen option, while I tested it on my Android phone. Split the screen and then add Shazam and TikTok to each half of the split screen. The TikTok video can now be played, and you can search for the sound it produces by tapping the Shazam icon on the app’s home screen.

If there’s a match, you’ll be shown the song’s information, including the title, artist, and other details, along with a link to listen to the song on Apple Music if that’s your default music app. If this is not the case, you should search for the song using the information on Spotify or YouTube Music.

Since Apple bought Shazam, the feature is already built into the iPhone. To find the song played in the TikTok video, open your Control Center of your iPhone when playing the TikTok video and click the Shazam button. If the Shazam icon is missing from the Control Center on your iPhone, just go to Settings > Control Center, navigate to Music Recognition and add it. No need to ask “Hey Siri, what song is this?

This is one of the best TikTok song finders you can use, but there are rare cases where Shazam fails, either because the song you are looking for is not in the database or the sound quality is not sufficient to identify the song. There are also other alternatives, which we will discuss in the next section of this article.

Method 3. Try SoundHound

SoundHound is another TikTok song identification tool, but in my tests it was less efficient than Shazam. Nevertheless, it can be used to find songs from TikTok, using the same approach as Shazam.

It even has a huge song library and can be useful when Shazam does not provide the desired results.

However, to use SoundHound to search for music on TikTok, you need to use Soundhound from another phone and play the TikTok video with the song you are looking for from your phone.

It works with both Apple Music and Spotify, so you can listen to the song found in the SoundHound app from any music app.

Method 4: Use Google Assistant or Google Search it

Google has a much larger database when it comes to music compared to the music discovery app we mentioned earlier, and this can be used to find songs on TikTok. Here’s what you should do to use Google Assistant to identify songs from a TikTok video.

1. Launch Google Assistant on your device. It is compatible with Android and iPhones.

2. In the search box, tap the microphone icon, and then select Search a song.

find songs with google assistant

3. The next step is to play the video clip that contains the song you are looking for. To do this, you can either use the Split Screen feature or another phone, or simply hum the sounds yourself if you are familiar with the tunes.

find songs on tiktok

4.You can also hold down the home button on your Android phone and say, “Hey Google, what song is playing?

5. When Google recognizes the song, you will be directed to the SERP where you will see the link to listen to it on Spotify, Apple Music, YT Music and Deezer.

If you used the humming option, you will also get results based on the songs that match your hums.

You can also go to Google search and type in some of the song lyrics you took from the TikTok video, and hopefully Google will give you results on songs that match the lyrics.

Method 5: Search for some words from the song on TikTok Discover

If you were able to get the lyrics of a prominent part of the song from the video or the chorus, you can also use TikTok Discover to find the song. Below you can find the steps you can use to do that:

1. In the TikTok app, click the Discover menu at the bottom of the page.

tiktok song finder: how to find songs used in tiktok videos - tiktok discovery 2

2. Enter the lyrics of a part of the song and tap Search.

3. On the results page, tap the Sounds category, and you’ll see sounds among which you’re likely to find the tune you’re looking for.

find songs on tiktok with search

Method 6: Check hashtags used on the TikTok video

In some cases, TikTok users make their own voiceovers instead of using the original songs. When these voiceovers become popular and are used regularly, they are sometimes added to the TikTok library. When such sounds are used in TikTok videos, people sometimes add hashtags, usually with the name of the original singer and the song title, as in the image below.

tiktok hashtags

Hence, you can make use of this approach to find songs used in TikTok if the video has hashtags.

Final Words

So music discovery tools, TikTok search, Google search or hashtags are the best ways to find songs used in TikTok. But there are more music discovery tools than the ones we mentioned. So if you can’t find the song you’re looking for with the tools we discussed, try Musixmatch or Genius.

With this detailed guide, you should be able to identify most of the music you hear in TikTok videos on any of your devices.

FAQs about Finding songs on TikTok

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Yes, you can save songs found on TikTok to a playlist after identifying them using the methods like Shazam and Google Assistant. You can use SoundHound and Musicxmatch to save any song you hear in TikTok to your playlist. This way, you can benefit from the latest trends and increase your reach on TikTok.

First, check the bottom of the video to see if the song is listed. If it says "Original Audio" instead of the title name and artist, you can try Shazam, Google Assistant, or the Genius app to identify the audio. You can also search for some words or details from the song on TikTok or search for the lyrics on the Internet. Besides, you can use SoundHound's music discovery app and Musixmatch song identifier, check the trending sounds on TikTok, look at the hashtags, or visit Tokboard.com. With these tools, you can find the original audio source of any TikTok video.

The best way to find a song played in a video is to use music discovery apps like Shazam, Musixmatch, Soundhound, and Genius. When you play the song from the video in one of these apps, they compare it to the songs in their database and give you a matching result within a short time.

Yes, you can Shazam a TikTok sound! You can also search Shazam while using TikTok. All you need to do is long-press the Shazam button until "Auto Shazam is on" is displayed, then switch to the TikTok app and play the video you want to identify. If the song is in the Shazam library, it will be displayed at the top of the screen. Plus, Shazam is built into iPhones and iPads, so you can open the Control Center, tap the Shazam button, and then return to TikTok to hear the audio of the video, too!

The Google app has a menu that allows you to perform a voice search. There is also a feature that allows you to hum or play a song from other apps to get information about the app. So, yes, the Google app can be used to identify songs.

Yes, you can! If you recognize the chorus or lyrics of a song you've heard on TikTok, you can search for them using the Discovery icon (magnifying glass) on TikTok. Just type in the phrase you remember and select the 'Sounds' tab. As a result, all audio files with that name will be displayed, and there's a good chance that it's the first result you see. You can also use services like Shazam, SoundHound, and Musixmatch, which have the largest catalog of music lyrics you can search for on your phone. You can also use YouTube Music to identify music tracks based on the lyrics you type into the search bar.

  • One option is to use the TikTok search function and type in "viral sounds," "trending sounds," or something similar. This will list the latest trending sounds.
  • Alternatively, you can search for popular hashtags related to sounds in the Hashtags section of the TikTok Creative Center.
  • You can also search YouTube for keywords like "latest Tiktok sounds" or "latest Tiktok songs".
  • There are also user-created playlists on Spotify and accounts like "TikTok Tunes" and "Love Life Lyrics" to keep up with the latest audio trends.
  • Finally, Tokboard.com is a great resource to find current songs on TikTok.
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